10 June 2009

Sassafras Tea

Monday, I decided to do a little gathering and hunting. The result was homemade sassafras tea.

These are Sassafras tree roots, dug and pulled from the Earth in 21st century America, and washed with a toothbrush.

Homemade honey. Bought from a wild-looking character from the Morgantown farmer's market. (Come to think of it. . .is honey ever anything other than homemade? Bees make it.)

The roots are then boiled in water until its dark red. Then, its filtered through paper towels, to get rid of dirt particles and microscopic creatures, fungus hyphae, and mixed with honey. The result is a very earthy-tasting sassafras tea.


Peter Brown said...

cool. How domestic of you!

Jason Michael Shuttlesworth said...

I felt a little proletarian that day.