11 March 2008

A Day in the Life of Johan Mikael Parishnikov

Wake up at 5:11 AM and drive to Texaco.
Purchase 1 Rockstar Energy drink, 1 egg/sausage/cheese biscuit, and $30 of highly processed plant remains to put into an aluminum tank built by a Japanese company.
Drive to a laboratory, type in security code, turn on a bunch of machines, and proceed to work exactly 47 minutes because the other two fellows did most of the work yesterday and didn’t call me. . .which did not bother me in the least since I don’t work on Sundays. . .unless you count running a TV camera work.
Drink energy drink after mixing it with bottled water and chit-chat with two sleep-eyed co-workers just arriving.
Leave the lab, drive through a tunnel under the Chesapeake Bay, see pelicans swooping on the mouth of the James River and think how much they resemble pterodactyls.
Notice a large hawk scoping out traffic whilst sitting on a cell phone tower.
Check e-mail, read some blogs, CNN, letsrun.com, MSNBC, and search for Volvos on Craigslist.
Take shower.
Make a cup of Earl Grey tea, mashed potatoes and gravy, and eat a handful of tortilla chips.
Transfer a purple fish to a Mason jar and start dishwasher.
Call two people, leave messages, and re-check e-mail.
Spend next few hours looking at tiny water-creatures under a microscope.
Take a nap and dream about apocalyptic events in the future which seems to be a trend in my life.
Make coffee, 2 tuna sandwiches on rye bread, read snail and e-mail, eat the remains of lettuce with 3 types of balsamic vinegar dressing (microwaved)
Look at more water-creatures.
Read about Israelites eating manna in Deuteronomy and wonder what manna bread tastes like and whether or not manna burgers were the new beef circa 1,500 B.C. . .also wonder if quail tastes like Cornish game hens.
Run 4 miles.
Spend 2 whole minutes observing a squirrel scamper around the parking lot and eat a nut under my car.
Lift weights.
Re-re-check e-mail.
Write 3 pages.
Grow just a little older.

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