24 March 2006

The day the music died.

Friends, Romans, Countrymen,

Today is a sad day for WVU fans. A time of mourning...of sadness. A time to weep. A time to don sackcloth and ashes and sing a dirge to the tune of 'Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen.' Texas, in a last second desperation shot at the buzzer, beat the Mountaineers. The cows won. The doggone desperate dogies did it. Go figure. But life goes on and we must continue on the road that is set before us.

It is a time to throw stones...sniff...sniff...at cows. Those nefarious four-legged evil orange wearing quadrupeds from Austin!!! The cows now play LSU. The tigers from Baton Rouge. The Bayou cats vs the TX longhorns...or shorthorns. I wonder, do the females have horns? I'm pretty certain.

Phlegminos: A game like dominoes. Do others play this game? I wonder. This is when you lay on your side while sleeping and allow the phlegm in your nasal cavity to migrate from one side to another. There's always that point at which the phlegm is poised precariously between the two cavities. Deciding whether to go left or right. This period lasts about 47 seconds and is the optimal time for breathing. The goal of the game see is to keep the phlegm in this area. What some call the fulcrum point. The fulcrum of phlegm. When the phlegm is leaving one side and traveling to the other greener pasture there's also this slight increase in happiness. I don't hasten to describe it as joy, because my joy is independent of which side the mucus inevitably rests in. It's more like just one of Life's simple pleasures.

I should get out more.

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